
Toddlers learn through exploring their environment and interacting with the world around them. White Oak Learning Academy supports this learning style through a Pinnacle Curriculum centered on exploration and interaction.

The Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) for toddlers include:

  • Gross motor skills- beginning control of movement using arms and legs, coordination and balance, expressing self through movement
  • Fine motor skills- these include gaining enhanced control of hands and fingers and showing hand-eye coordination
  • Self-help skills- toddlers become more involved in feedings, dressing, personal hygiene, and other daily routine tasks
  • Health and safety skills- toddlers respond to verbal and physical signs of danger and begin becoming aware of personal health needs

Enrichment areas include:

  • Creative arts
  • Music/Movement
  • Dramatic Play
  • Blocks
  • Language
  • Outdoor activities
  • Science/Sensory
  • Academic options
  • Math/Manipulatives
  • Character Education